Shumway and Stoffer (2017). Time Series Analysis and Its Applications: with R Examples, Springer, 4th edition. tsa4
Cressie and Wikle (2011). Statistics for Spatio-temporal Data, Wiley.
Brockwell and Davis (2016). Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, Springer, 4th edition.
Wikle, Zammit-Mangion and Cressie (2019). Spatio-temporal Statistics with R, CRC Press. link
Week 1: Introduction to Time Series Analysis.
Week 2: Characteristics of Time Series.
Week 3: Time Series Regression.
Week 4: Exploratory Data Analysis.
Week 5: ARMA Models.
Week 6: Difference Equations. Autocorrelation Function.
Week 7: Partial Autocorrelation Function.
Week 8: Forecasting.
Week 9: Midterm.
Week 10: Estimation: Yule-Walker Equation, Least Squares and MLE.
Week 11: ARIMA.
Week 12: Introduction to Gaussian Processes.
Week 13: Covariance and Variogram.
Week 14: Spatial Prediction: Kriging.
Week 15: Forecasting with Deep Learning.
Week 16: Spectral Analysis.